Write personalized
B-School admission essays
with our AI counselor

Transform your unique life experiences into winning essays. Everything you need for a successful application.

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Everything you need for a winning MBA application

Personalized essays that tell your life story

Transform your life story into winning essays for all your target schools

24 x 7 AI Counselor Support

Chat when you want, where you want with our AI Counselor - let us do the rest

One affordable
all-access price

$299 for all your schools - use standalone or with your traditional consultant


Never miss a deadline - Track all your applications in one dashboard

Craft resumes and recommendations

Complement your essays with resumes and recommendation drafts that stand out

Connect with a community of applicants

Find future friends, roommates, cofounders - join an exclusive community of applicants

All-access price < 10% of traditional consultants


Basic support to track your applications, find out about application requirements


Sign up today
  • Admissions Tracker
  • 24 x 7 AI Counselor
  • Access to global community


Complete package for your admissions including essays to all your target schools v


Sign up today
  • Admissions Tracker
  • Access to global community
  • 24 x 7 AI Counselor
  • Essays for all your target schools
  • Resume for MBA applications
  • Recommendation drafts

For Institutions

Our full-featured platform for teams - universities, coaching centers


Contact Us for a demo
  • All features
  • Private accounts for your teams

Sign up today for a free trial!

You caught us a little early! Sign up with your email to get an early-bird discounts to the future of college applications.

We are right now heads down in development mode.. Sign up today with your e-mail to lock in a guaranteed 50% discount

  • 100% personalized essays that tell your life story
  • 24 x 7 AI Counselor: Just chat with us, let us do the rest
  • Admissions tracker to streamline your applications
  • Craft resumes and recommendation drafts for your application
  • Connect with global community of applicants like you
  • All this at one affordable lifetime fee

Interested in AdmitSaathi?

AdmitSaathi is in early-access now - fill in your details below if you're interested in trying it and lock in an early-bird discount

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